Sharon Munyaka

Past-President SIOPSA

Human being , human doing: re- imagining the future of business

30 October 2023, 12:05

Dr. Sharon Munyaka is a registered HPCSA Industrial and Organisational Psychologist. A firm believer in focusing on what is right with people, Sharon works at an individual, team, and organisational level. Sharon is one of the pioneers of research in positive organisational scholarship at the Nelson Mandela University. Sharon's philosophy states: when I navigate my work with curiosity, compassion, and courage, it is the gift that keeps on giving. The doors of possibility will open if we allow ourselves to remain open and fully present to what we are creating together. 

In a world filled with so much disruption, how do we lead effectively?

What can we do in organisations to optimise wellbeing, productivity and a sense of community. We need to be leading effectively and re- thinking workplaces in a disrupted landscape.